About the Journal
The scientific journal Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia - Research in Ornithology (RIO) publishes original articles and short notes covering all major topics of ornithology twice yearly. RIO was founded in 1911 by Ettore Arrigoni degli Oddi (1867–1942), Filippo Cavazza (1886–1953), Francesco Chigi (1881–1953), Alessandro Ghigi (1875–1970), Giacinto Martorelli (1855–1917) and Tommaso Salvadori (1835–1923). The first series ended its publication run in 1925, but the journal was revived as a second series in 1931, under the directorship of Arrigoni degli Oddi. In 1933, Edgardo Moltoni (1896–1980) took over as RIO Editor and became its owner and publisher up to his death. The Italian Society of Natural Sciences (Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali) then took over ownership of the RIO in 1981, publishing it in collaboration with the Museum of Natural History of Milan (Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano).
This journal does not apply charge for publication to Authors as it is supported by institutional funds.
The Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia is available as library exchange: C.MSNMbiblioteca@comune.milano.it