Editorial Board
Giuseppe Bogliani
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Pavia, Italy
E-mail: giuseppe.bogliani@unipv.it | ORCID
Professor Giuseppe Bogliani graduated in Biology in 1981 and obtained a PhD in Environmental Sciences in 1988. In 1990, he was appointed a full-time researcher in the Department of Animal Biology at the University of Pavia. In 2001, he became an Associate Professor of Zoology in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Pavia. He qualified as a Full Professor of Zoology in 2015 and retired from the University of Pavia in September 2019. After that, he acted as Senior Associate Researcher at the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of the CNR. He was involved in several organizational activities: President of the Degree and Master Courses in Natural Sciences, University of Pavia, 2010-2013; Deputy Director of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Pavia, 2015-2018; President of CISO-Italian Center for Ornithological Studies, 2015-2023; Vice President of SISN Italian Society of Natural Sciences, since 2020; Scientific Editor of RIO-Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia-Research in Ornithology, since 2013. The main basic research interests were on intraspecific variations in social behavior, adaptive aspects of anti-predator behavior, reproductive biology of gregarious birds, ecology of predation and nesting in lowland habitats, effects of landscape fragmentation on populations and communities, and animal biodiversity of mountain and alpine environments. He also carried out applied research on many topics, among which are the effects of the application of European Union agri-environmental measures on biodiversity and the application of wildlife management to populations and communities of wild vertebrates. Scientific results from his research have been published in 201 papers, of which over 130 are scientific publications with selection through peer review, and in 12 books.
Associated Editors
Corrado Battisti, ‘Torre Flavia’ Long Term Ecological Research Station, Italy
E-mail: c.battisti@cittametropolitanaroma.it | ORCID
Gion Boano, Museo di Storia Naturale di Carmagnola, Italy
E-mail: g.boano@gmail.com | ORCID
Mattia Brambilla, University of Milano, Italy
E-mail: mattia.brambilla@unimi.it | ORCID
Pierandrea Brichetti, Italian Society of Natural Sciences, Italy
E-mail: pierbrichetti@gmail.com | ORCID
Giorgio Chiozzi, Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, Italy
E-mail: giorgio.chiozzi@comune.milano.it | ORCID
Flavio Ferlini, Italian Society of Natural Sciences, Italy
E-mail: ferlini@unipv.it | ORCID
Giancarlo Fracasso, Italian Society of Natural Sciences, Italy
E-mail: gianca.fracasso.new@gmail.com | ORCID
Fulvio Fraticelli, Italian Society of Natural Sciences, Italy
E-mail: f_fraticelli@hotmail.com | ORCID
Andrea Galimberti, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
E-mail: andrea.galimberti@unimib.it | ORCID
Jan Ove Gjershaug, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Norway
E-mail: jan.gjershaug@nina.no | ORCID
Achaz von Hardenberg, University of Pavia, Italy
E-mail: a.vonhardenberg@chester.ac.uk | ORCID
Primož Kmecl, DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Slovenia
E-mail: primoz.kmecl@dopps.si | ORCID
Paola Laiolo, CSIC, University of Oviedo, Spain
E-mail: paola.laiolo@csic.es | ORCID
Roberto Lardelli, Swiss Ornithological Station, Vogelwarte, Switzerland
E-mail: roberto.lardelli@gmail.com
Ugo Mellone, University of Alicante, Spain
E-mail: u.mellone@gmail.com | ORCID
Bruno Massa, University of Palermo, Italy
E-mail: bruno.massa@unipa.it | ORCID
Chiara Morosinotto, University of Padova and NBFC - National Biodiversity Future Center, Palermo, Italy
E-mail: chiara.morosinotto@novia.fi | ORCID
Marco Pavia, University of Turin, Italy
E-mail: marco.pavia@unito.it | ORCID
Irene Pellegrino, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
E-mail: irene.pellegrino@uniupo.it | ORCID
Fabio Saporetti, Italian Society of Natural Sciences, Italy
E-mail: saporettif@gmail.com | ORCID
Giacomo Tavecchia, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), Spain
E-mail: g.tavecchia@uib.es | ORCID
Dario Zuccon, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France
E-mail: dario.zuccon@mnhn.fr | ORCID
Managing Director
Anna Alessandrello, Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, Italy
E-mail: anna.alessandrello@comune.milano.it
Graphic Design
Michela Mura, Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, Italy
E-mail: michela.mura@comune.milano.it