Evolution of the breeding range of the “italian” Wagtail Motacilla flava cinereocapilla
Published: 2 August 20161402PDF: 1034 -
Long-term trends (1989-2013) in the seabird community breeding in the lagoon of Venice (Italy)
Published: 2 August 2016729PDF: 580 -
Trend of a breeding population of Black kites Milvus migrans along the Po river in Turin (Italy)
Published: 2 August 2016746PDF: 748
Short Communications
Repeated sightings of Alexandrine parakeet Psittacula eupatria in Rome (Central Italy) and its likely acclimatization
Published: 2 August 2016898PDF: 648 -
Vocal gatherings of Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in olive trees on a Greek island
Published: 2 August 2016496PDF: 452 -
Population expansion of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in Silesia, SW Poland
Published: 2 August 2016589PDF: 437 -
Biology of the Raven Corvus corax in Sicily (Italy)
Published: 2 August 20161066PDF: 828
Book Reviews
History of ornithology in Malta
Published: 2 August 2016495PDF: 383 -
Laudato si’ - Enciclica sulla cura della casa comune
Published: 2 August 2016514PDF: 414