Hybrids of Aythya: unusual concentration on the Po river in Turin (NW Italy)

Published: September 30 2012
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The confluence between Po and Stura di Lanzo rivers in Turin (NW Italy) is one of the most important wintering sites in North West Italy for diving ducks. The most interesting species are Pochard, Aythya ferina, and Tufted duck, Aythya fuligula. A subject with hybrid traits was observed for the first time in winter 2002-2003. Hybrids number were exceptionally high in winter 2006-2007 when the percentage was 5 per 1000 of the total wintering birds.



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How to Cite

Hybrids of Aythya: unusual concentration on the Po river in Turin (NW Italy). (2012). Rivista Italiana Di Ornitologia, 82(1-2). https://doi.org/10.4081/rio.2012.184