Wildfowl wintering in Campania (South Italy) in the years 2005/2006 and 2006/2007

Published: September 30 2012
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In the autumn 2005 due to an Avian Flu outbreak in southern Italy, the Campania local government commissioned a winter waterfowl census which lasted two seasons. In January 2006 12 duck species were recovered and a winter population of 4651 ducks was estimated. In the same period of the next year the number of species increased to 15, while the global duck population dropped to 3631 individuals of all the species. The most abundant wintering duck in Campania is the Common Teal, while the most widespread is the Mallard. Noteworthy is the increasing winter presence in Campania of the Ferruginous Duck; albeit limited to few specimens.



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How to Cite

Wildfowl wintering in Campania (South Italy) in the years 2005/2006 and 2006/2007. (2012). Rivista Italiana Di Ornitologia, 82(1-2). https://doi.org/10.4081/rio.2012.151