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Natura is a peer-reviewed science journal that aims to spread knowledge of the natural sciences. Ranging across every discipline, it is open to wide-ranging contributions aimed at the broader public. Founded in 1909 with this purpose, within the Italian Society of Natural Sciences (SISN) and the Museum of Natural History of Milan (MSNM), it is now a monographic journal with a semi-annual frequency, richly illustrated. Since 2018, it has renewed its layout and format.

New Articles

  • 200: Emilio Cornalia e Antonio Stoppani 1824-2024 Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano

    Giorgio Bardelli, Giorgio Chiozzi
    PDF: 8

  • The geological maps of Italy at the Natural History Museum of Milan

    Enrico Muzio
    PDF: 57

  • Making Alexander von Humboldt's works known in Lombardy: the American volumes of Giulio Ferrario's Costume antico e moderno

    Enrico Banfi, Filippo Bianconi, Davide Domenici, Agnese Visconti
    PDF: 33

  • The Venetian folders of the Natural History Museum in Milan Edited by Giorgio Teruzzi, Chiara Colombo and Irene Mineo

    Giorgio Teruzzi
    PDF: 0

  • TUR2021 | 3rd International Conference on Tourmaline, Elba Island, Italy | September 9-11, 2021

    Ferdinando Bosi, Federico Pezzotta, Giovanni B. Andreozzi
    PDF: 71

  • Regional flora of the Montevecchia and Curone Valley Regional Park (Lombardy, Northern Italy)

    Milena Villa, Enrico Banfi, Gabriele Galasso
    PDF: 54

  • Dante's bestialities. Zoology of the Commedia Flies, mosquitoes, fireflies and... Lions. Preface by Domenico De Martino

    Marco Masseti
    PDF: 0

  • Spring 1817. Journey to the Island of Elba Unpublished manuscript diary of Jean Charles Coindet (Geneva 1796-1876)

    A cura di Ilaria Monti
    PDF: 56

  • The fungi of the “Val Masino - Bagni” forest (province of Sondrio, Lombardy, Italy), with mycofloral, phenological and ecological remarks.

    Fabio Penati, Silvia Corradini, Marisa Bucchieri
    PDF: 146
    APPENDIX: 55

  • Japan in the historical collections of the Natural History Museum in Milan

    Mami Azuma
    PDF: 28

  • At the Museum to Discover the World Scientific research and temporary exhibitions. Museum of Natural History Milan 2014-2019

    Anna Alessandrello, Mami Azuma, with contributions from Ardenghi N. M. G., Azuma M., Banfi E., Bardelli G., Bartolucci F., Bianchi E., Bindellini G., Chiozzi G., Citterio S., Coladonato A. J., Conti F., Dal Sasso C., Ferrari F., Galasso G., Garassino A., Gentili R., Larroux G., Maganuco S., Mangiacotti M., Martellos S., Martignoni M., Moro A., Nimis P., Orsenigo S., Pasini G., Pennesi R., Peruzzi L., Pittao E., Podestà M., Sacchi R., Scali S., Toffolo C., Zuffi M. A. L.
    PDF: 47