Chromatic aberrations in Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra): new record and a review from Italy suggest a cautious approach in diagnoses

Published: December 12 2024
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We report a case of chromatic aberration (progressive greying) of a Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra) from a drainage canal neighbouring a recently restored wetland from Latium, central Italy (third case for this rail at the regional level). Moreover, we reviewed the cases of chromatic aberrations (leucism, progressive greying, albinism, etc.) in this species for Italy (1990-2024), obtaining records for 13 sites. However, the complete albinos mentioned in the literature are very questionable since many different conditions should be met for a correct diagnosis of this aberration. We suggest that, when genetic data are lacking, repeated behavioural observations should be conducted on focal animals recorded at different times, therefore carrying out a correct diagnosis about the type of chromatic aberration characterizing these birds.



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How to Cite

Chromatic aberrations in Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra): new record and a review from Italy suggest a cautious approach in diagnoses. (2024). Rivista Italiana Di Ornitologia, 94(2).