Wintering shorebird in sandy coasts of Catania’s gulf (Sicily, Italy): 2011-2020

Published: April 16 2021
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Sandy coasts are specific habitats of high ecological significance for many species of shorebirds. The Gulf of Catania, in the Eastern coast of Sicily, is considered one of the most important sandy coastal areas of the region for the wintering of different species of Charadriidae and Scolopacidae, also due to the presence of River Simeto’s mouth and other freshwater streams. Since the area has been subject to many changes in the last few decades and recent data were not available, a ten-year monitoring of the wintering shorebird community has been carried out, from January 2011 to January 2020, to understand its current ecological role and to update the knowledge about numbers and trends of Sicilian wintering shorebirds along the coast. A total of 3,171 individuals and 16 different species were observed, including a considerable amount of individuals of Calidris alba and Charadrius alexandrinus, despite the latter showed an 80% decrease in number in the last 20 years in the area. For each species, maximum numbers observed per winter and related five-year averages, estimates, IKA (Index of Abundance per Kilometre) and percentages in relation to the national wintering population have been reported. Furthermore, data about species associations were collected and analysed. This survey shows how the ecological value of River Simeto’s mouth has decreased considerably in the last decades in favour of other locations, such as the mouth of Canale Arci, where almost 50% of the birds were observed.



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How to Cite

Wintering shorebird in sandy coasts of Catania’s gulf (Sicily, Italy): 2011-2020. (2021). Rivista Italiana Di Ornitologia, 91(1), 27-38.

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