Project of the avifauna near Senigallia: the Misa River. First year of survey

Published: September 30 2012
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This study analyzed the birds of the Misa River terminal part, near Senigallia (AN). We collected 28 point counts placed at a distance of 500 m apart and visited each month. We recorded more than 100 species after the first year of survey: this high number of species is due to the residual river vegetation strip, that offers a refuge to a lot of birds, even during migration. Among the breeding species that are included in Birds Directive Attachment I, we found Alcedo atthis, Lanius collurio and Emberiza hortulana. To be ascertained Dendrocopos minor. Several birds of prey were recorded during spring migration, such as Circus aeruginosus.



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How to Cite

Project of the avifauna near Senigallia: the Misa River. First year of survey. (2012). Rivista Italiana Di Ornitologia, 82(1-2).