Search Results
Found 22 items.
Merops apiaster. I gruccioni.
Published: 23 December 2015757PDF: 529 -
Evolution of the breeding range of the “italian” Wagtail Motacilla flava cinereocapilla
Published: 2 August 20161399PDF: 1030 -
Evolution of the breeding range of the Black-headed Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava feldegg)
Published: 25 November 20161248PDF: 1219 -
The White-headed yellow wagtail Motacilla flava leucocephala (Przewalski, 1887): migration, movements, and breeding and wintering ranges
Published: 16 April 20212968PDF: 777 -
[Ornithological atlases, between successes and Sisyphus' labors] Atlanti ornitologici, tra successi e fatiche di Sisifo
Published: 15 December 20221173PDF: 382 -
Conoscerli, proteggerli. Guida allo stato di conservazione degli uccelli in Italia
Published: 8 April 2020763PDF: 426 -
The Gmelin’s wagtail Motacilla lutea: breeding range, migratory movements and wintering range
Published: 27 January 20212075PDF: 847 -
Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Published: 15 December 2022682PDF: 358 -
The Birds of Italy 1. Anatidae – Alcidae
Published: 18 June 20191081PDF: 378 -
Birds of the West Indies
Published: 27 January 2021775PDF: 292 -
Birds of Siberia Volume 1 & Volume 2
Published: 15 December 2022413PDF: 308 -
Gli uccelli del Veneto - Biologia, distribuzione e abbondanza
Published: 21 June 2018557PDF: 336 -
A Field Guide to the Birds of Mongolia and Birds of Mongolia
Published: 26 October 2020329PDF: 314 -
Migration Strategies of Birds of Prey in Western Palearctic
Published: 19 May 2022803PDF: 640 -
Birds of Cyprus
Published: 26 October 2020274PDF: 279 -
Does the expansion of the species’ breeding range also involve the establishment of new migratory routes and new wintering ranges? The case of the citrine wagtail Motacilla citreola (Pallas, 1776)
Published: 20 May 20222503PDF: 900APPENDIX: 473 -
Österreichischer Brutvogelatlas 2013-2018 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Austria 2013-2018
Published: 22 April 2024250PDF: 221 -
Wintering range of western yellow wagtail Motacilla flava in Africa and Europe in a historical perspective
Published: 7 October 20201820PDF: 574APPENDIX: 459 -
Atlas of breeding birds of the European part of Russia
Published: 16 April 20211671PDF: 420 -
Breeding Bird Atlas of Ukraine
Published: 14 December 2023408PDF: 322 -
Atlante fotografico degli uccelli del Parco Nazionale della Sila con inediti contributi sull’avifauna silana
Published: 8 April 2020768PDF: 415
1 - 22 of 22 items