New data on the expansion of the Eurasian Thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus in Sicily. A consideration of citizen science

Published: July 4 2023
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In this work, we collected records of Eurasian Thick-knee observations in Sicily by using scientific literature, citizen science programs, and social networks as data sources. The aims of this work is creating a complete and up-to-date dataset, which also includes the authors’ targeted research in the field. As compared with records previously reported in literature, the data collected here, which cover the last fifteen years, show a clear expansion trend for the Eurasian Thick-knee in Sicily. About one third of these new records come from Facebook groups dedicated to biodiversity, thus underlining the usefulness of unconventional sources to gather data on species with poorly known distributions. [Article in Italian]



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How to Cite

New data on the expansion of the Eurasian Thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus in Sicily. A consideration of citizen science . (2023). Rivista Italiana Di Ornitologia, 93(1).

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