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Found 13 items.
Four new combinations in Jacobaea Mill. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) for the European flora
Published: 9 November 20151100PDF: 873 -
Contributo alla conoscenza della flora esotica dell’Arcipelago Toscano, Italia
Published: 1 January 2013752PDF: 774 -
Persicaria senegalensis (Polygonaceae), entità nuova per la flora italiana, e chiave di identificazione delle specie del genere Persicaria in Italia
Published: 1 August 20141302PDF: 774 -
Notes on systematics and taxonomy for the Italian vascular flora. 2.
Published: 1 September 20111266PDF: 2393 -
Contributo alla conoscenza della flora esotica dell’Isola di Capraia (Arcipelago Toscano, Italia)
Published: 1 January 2012637PDF: 508 -
Nomenclatural novelties for the Euro+Med flora
Published: 22 December 20171276PDF: 1144 -
Vascular flora of Milan Malpensa airport (Lombardy, Italy). Part I: checklist
Published: 24 October 2019797PDF: 493 -
A new genus for Papaver sect. Meconella and new combinations in Roemeria (Papaveraceae) in Europe and the Mediterranean area
Published: 23 February 20221486PDF: 1035 -
Old and new nomenclatural combinations for Echinochloa esculenta (Japanese millet) and E. frumentacea (Indian millet) (Poaceae)
Published: 26 May 20211534PDF: 369 -
Amaranthus emarginatus (Amaranthaceae) in Italy
Published: 18 April 2024981PDF: 221 -
Report 2020 on plant biodiversity in Italy: native and alien vascular flora
Published: 11 May 20213236PDF: 893 -
A note on the author citation and type of Sida bidentata (Abutilon bidentatum; Malvaceae)
Published: 18 November 2020834PDF: 342 -
Report 2021 on plant biodiversity in Italy: native and alien vascular flora
Published: 16 September 20221644PDF: 516
1 - 13 of 13 items