Three new species for the odonatofauna of Piedmont (NW Italy)

Submitted: 30 January 2024
Accepted: 16 April 2024
Published: 26 June 2024
Abstract Views: 3717
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Between 2020 and 2023, three new species of Odonates were recorded in Piedmont (NW Italy). Lestes barbarus was observed at an artificial wetland in the Turin Plain in 2021. Even though at least one individual was fresh, we cannot conclude that the species developed at the site. Subsequent visits did not permit to confirm the species. Coenagrion hastulatum was discovered at a peat bog in the NW Alps (Lac Falin, Valle di Viù) in 2023, and here reproduction was confirmed. This population is the fifth to be recorded for the central and western Italian Alps. Trithemis annulata was first recorded in Piedmont in July 2020, and subsequently, the observations of the species in the region rapidly increased, with a total of 66 records relative to 29 sites up to the end of 2023. These are distributed in most of the low-altitude areas of the region. The species was reported mostly in late summer, with only one site where the early spring records suggest successful overwintering. However, this needs further confirmation. The odonate list of Piedmont now accounts for 70 species, representing 73.6% of the taxa reported for Italy, and this makes Piedmont, along with Lombardy, the most odonate-rich region of Italy.



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How to Cite

Piretta, L., Soldato, G., & Assandri, G. (2024). Three new species for the odonatofauna of Piedmont (NW Italy). Natural History Sciences, 11(2).