The achievements of Abdel Wahid Gaziry (1941-1989) in the field of vertebrate palaeontology

Published: November 14 2024
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The experience and contributions of Abdel Wahid Gaziry (1941-1987) in the field of vertebrate palaeontology earned him the respect of the academic world, which recognized the importance of his discoveries and appreciated his dedication and commitment to research. In his short life, Abdel Wahid Gaziry published a significant body of work on Neogene fossil mammal systematics, origins, and evolution. Among the new species that he described were the shovel-tusker proboscidean Konobelodon cyrenaicus (Gaziry 1987) and the fossil Libyan hippopotamid Hexaprotodon sahabiensis Gaziry 1987. An active fieldworker throughout his career, Gaziry collected and catalogued a wide range of vertebrate fossil remains, including mammals, reptiles, birds, and fish. The outcome of his efforts has led to the establishment of a valuable collection within the Museum of Vertebrate Palaeontology at the Department of Earth Science of Benghazi University. This collection, consisting of numerous specimens, holds immense potential for future investigations, doctoral theses, and fostering international scientific cooperation.



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How to Cite

The achievements of Abdel Wahid Gaziry (1941-1989) in the field of vertebrate palaeontology. (2024). Natural History Sciences, 11(2).

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