Typification of the name Cistus × skanbergii Lojac., a rare rockrose extinct in its type locality

Submitted: 15 November 2022
Accepted: 1 March 2024
Published: 10 April 2024
Abstract Views: 691
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In 1885 Lojacono-Pojero described Cistus skanbergi, also known as the dwarf pink rockrose, from the Island of Lampedusa (Sicily, Italy). Despite becoming extinct in its type locality and being very rare in the Mediterranean Basin, during the last decades the plant corresponding to this name, a natural hybrid between C. parviflorus Lam. and C. monspeliensis L., has been successfully cultivated and introduced worldwide for ornamental purposes. The search carried out in several European herbaria allowed to select as lectotype a specimen collected by Lojacono-Pojero and kept at the herbarium of Kew, to detect other isolectotypes, kept in the herbaria of Geneva and Palermo, and to detect another syntype corresponding to a specimen collected by Gussone and currently kept at the herbarium of Palermo.



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How to Cite

Pasta, S., & Troia, A. (2024). Typification of the name <i>Cistus</i> × <i>skanbergii</i> Lojac., a rare rockrose extinct in its type locality. Natural History Sciences, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.4081/nhs.2024.665

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